EDIT: I believe I've found the "plan" that Politico (and other news sources) managed to fail to link to, maybe because it doesn't seem to contain any affirmative commitments by the named companies to submit future models to pre-deployment testing by UK AISI. I've seen a lot of takes (on Twitter) recently suggesting that OpenAI and Anthropic (and maybe some other companies) violated commitments they made to the UK's AISI about granting them access for e.g. predeployment testing of frontier models.  Is there any concrete evidence about what commitment was made, if any?  The only thing I've seen so far is a pretty ambiguous statement by Rishi Sunak, who might have had some incentive to claim more success than was warranted at the time.  If people are going to breathe down the necks of AGI labs about keeping to their commitments, they should be careful to only do it for commitments they've actually made, lest they weaken the relevant incentives.  (This is not meant to endorse AGI labs behaving in ways which cause strategic ambiguity about what commitments they've made; that is also bad.)
Contra both the 'doomers' and the 'optimists' on (not) pausing. Rephrased: RSPs (done right) seem right. Contra 'doomers'. Oversimplified, 'doomers' (e.g. PauseAI, FLI's letter, Eliezer) ask(ed) for pausing now / even earlier - (e.g. the Pause Letter). I expect this would be / have been very much suboptimal, even purely in terms of solving technical alignment. For example, Some thoughts on automating alignment research suggests timing the pause so that we can use automated AI safety research could result in '[...] each month of lead that the leader started out with would correspond to 15,000 human researchers working for 15 months.' We clearly don't have such automated AI safety R&D capabilities now, suggesting that pausing later, when AIs are closer to having the required automated AI safety R&D capabilities would be better. At the same time, current models seem very unlikely to be x-risky (e.g. they're still very bad at passing dangerous capabilities evals), which is another reason to think pausing now would be premature. Contra 'optimists'. I'm more unsure here, but the vibe I'm getting from e.g. AI Pause Will Likely Backfire (Guest Post) is roughly something like 'no pause ever'; largely based on arguments of current systems seeming easy to align / control. While I agree with the point that  current systems do seem easy to align / control and I could even see this holding all the way up to ~human-level automated AI safety R&D, I can easily see scenarios where around that time things get scary quickly without any pause. For example, similar arguments to those about the scalability of automated AI safety R&D suggest automated AI capabilities R&D could also be scaled up significantly. For example, figures like those in Before smart AI, there will be many mediocre or specialized AIs suggest very large populations of ~human-level automated AI capabilities researchers could be deployed (e.g. 100x larger than the current [human] population of AI researchers). Given that even with the current relatively small population, algorithmic progress seems to double LM capabilities ~every 8 months, it seems like algorithmic progress could be much faster with 100x larger populations, potentially leading to new setups (e.g. new AI paradigms, new architectures, new optimizers, synthetic data, etc.) which could quite easily break the properties that make current systems seem relatively easy / safe to align. In this scenario, pausing to get this right (especially since automated AI safety R&D would also be feasible) seems like it could be crucial.
I've recently updated on how useful it'd be to have small icons representing users. Previously some people were like "it'll help me scan the comment section for people!" and I was like "...yeah that seems true, but I'm scared of this site feeling like facebook, or worse, LinkedIn." I'm not sure whether that was the right tradeoff, but, I was recently sold after realizing how space-efficient it is for showing lots of commenters. Like, in slack or facebook, you'll see things like: This'd be really helpful, esp. in the Quick Takes and Popular comments sections, where you can see which people you know/like have commented to a thing
Clarifying the relationship between mechanistic anomaly detection (MAD), measurement tampering detection (MTD), weak to strong generalization (W2SG), weak to strong learning (W2SL), and eliciting latent knowledge (ELK). (Nothing new or interesting here, I just often loose track of these relationships in my head) eliciting latent knowledge is an approach to scalable oversight which hopes to use the latent knowledge of a model as a supervision signal or oracle.  weak to strong learning is an experimental setup for evaluating scalable oversight protocols, and is a class of sandwiching experiments weak to strong generalization is a class of approaches to ELK which relies on generalizing a "weak" supervision signal to more difficult domains using the inductive biases and internal structure of the strong model.  measurement tampering detection is a class of weak to strong generalization problems, where the "weak" supervision consists of multiple measurements which are sufficient for supervision in the absence of "tampering" (where tampering is not yet formally defined) mechanistic anomaly detection is an approach to ELK, where examples are flagged as anomalous if they cause the model to do things for "different reasons" then on a trusted dataset, where "different reasons" are defined w.r.t internal model cognition and structure.  mechanistic anomaly detection methods that work for ELK should also probably work for other problems (such as backdoor detection and adversarial example detection) so when developing benchmarks for mechanistic anomaly detection, we both want to test methods against methods in standard machine learning security problems (adversarial examples and trojans) that have similar structure to scalable oversight problems, against other elk approaches (e.g. CCS), and against other scalable oversight approaches (e.g. debate)
  Access to Alpha fold 3: Is allowing the world access to Alpha Fold 3 a great idea? I don't know how this works but I can imagine a highly motivated bad actor can start from scratch by simply googling/LLM querying/Multi-modal querying each symbol in this image. 

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Many thanks to Spencer Greenberg, Lucius Caviola, Josh Lewis, John Bargh, Ben Pace, Diogo de Lucena, and Philip Gubbins for their valuable ideas and feedback at each stage of this project—as well as the ~375 EAs + alignment researchers who provided the data that made this project possible.


Last month, AE Studio launched two surveys: one for alignment researchers, and another for the broader EA community. 

We got some surprisingly interesting results, and we're excited to share them here.

We set out to better explore and compare various population-level dynamics within and across both groups. We examined everything from demographics and personality traits to community views on specific EA/alignment-related topics. We took on this project because it seemed to be largely unexplored and rife with potentially-very-high-value insights. In this post, we’ll present what...

How much higher was the scoring on neuroticism than the general population?

How many alignment researchers do you think there are total? What % do you think this survey hit that you wanted it to hit?

Some people have suggested that a lot of the danger of training a powerful AI comes from reinforcement learning. Given an objective, RL will reinforce any method of achieving the objective that the model tries and finds to be successful including things like deceiving us or increasing its power.

If this were the case, then if we want to build a model with capability level X, it might make sense to try to train that model either without RL or with as little RL as possible. For example, we could attempt to achieve the objective using imitation learning instead. 

However, if, for example, the alternate was imitation learning, it would be possible to push back and argue that this is still a black-box that uses gradient descent so we...

4Steven Byrnes
I agree that in the limit of an extremely structured optimizer, it will work in practice, and it will wind up following strategies that you can guess to some extent a priori. I also agree that in the limit of an extremely unstructured optimizer, it will not work in practice, but if it did, it will find out-of-the-box strategies that are difficult to guess a priori. But I disagree that there’s no possible RL system in between those extremes where you can have it both ways. On the contrary, I think it’s possible to design an optimizer which is structured enough to work well in practice, while simultaneously being unstructured enough that it will find out-of-the-box solutions very different from anything the programmers were imagining. Examples include: * MuZero: you can’t predict a priori what chess strategies a trained MuZero will wind up using by looking at the source code. The best you can do is say “MuZero is likely to use strategies that lead to its winning the game”. * “A civilization of humans” is another good example: I don’t think you can look at the human brain neural architecture and loss functions etc., and figure out a priori that a civilization of humans will wind up inventing nuclear weapons. Right?

But I disagree that there’s no possible RL system in between those extremes where you can have it both ways.

I don't disagree. For clarity, I would make these claims, and I do not think they are in tension:

  1. Something being called "RL" alone is not the relevant question for risk. It's how much space the optimizer has to roam.
  2. MuZero-like strategies are free to explore more space than something like current applications of RLHF. Improved versions of these systems working in more general environments have the capacity to do surprising things and will tend to be
... (read more)
Do we expect future model architectures to be biased toward out-of-context reasoning (reasoning internally rather than in a chain-of-thought)? As in, what kinds of capabilities would lead companies to build models that reason less and less in token-space? I mean, the first obvious thing would be that you are training the model to internalize some of the reasoning rather than having to pay for the additional tokens each time you want to do complex reasoning. The thing is, I expect we'll eventually move away from just relying on transformers with scale. And so I'm trying to refine my understanding of the capabilities that are simply bottlenecked in this paradigm, and that model builders will need to resolve through architectural and algorithmic improvements. (Of course, based on my previous posts, I still think data is a big deal.) Anyway, this kind of thinking eventually leads to the infohazardous area of, "okay then, what does the true AGI setup look like?" This is really annoying because it has alignment implications. If we start to move increasingly towards models that are reasoning outside of token-space, then alignment becomes harder. So, are there capability bottlenecks that eventually get resolved through something that requires out-of-context reasoning? So far, it seems like the current paradigm will not be an issue on this front. Keep scaling transformers, and you don't really get any big changes in the model's likelihood of using out-of-context reasoning. This is not limited to out-of-context reasoning. I'm trying to have a better understanding of the (dangerous) properties future models may develop simply as a result of needing to break a capability bottleneck. My worry is that many people end up over-indexing on the current transformer+scale paradigm (and this becomes insufficient for ASI), so they don't work on the right kinds of alignment or governance projects. --- I'm unsure how big of a deal this architecture will end up being, but the rumoure
2Seth Herd
This is an excellent point. While LLMs seem (relatively) safe, we may very well blow right on by them soon. I do think that many of the safety advantages of LLMs come from their understanding of human intentions (and therefore implied values). Those would be retained in improved architectures that still predict human language use. If such a system's thought process was entirely opaque, we could no longer perform Externalized reasoning oversight by "reading its thoughts". But think it might be possible to build a reliable agent from unreliable parts. I think humans are such an agent, and evolution made us this way because it's a way to squeeze extra capability out of a set of base cognitive capacities. Imagine an agentic set of scaffolding that merely calls the super-LLM for individual cognitive acts. Such an agent would use a hand-coded "System 2" thinking approach to solve problems, like humans do. That involves breaking a problem into cognitive steps. We also use System 2 for our biggest ethical decisions; we predict consequences of our major decisions, and compare them to our goals, including ethical goals. Such a synthetic agent would use System 2 for problem-solving capabilities, and also for checking plans for how well they achieve goals. This would be done for efficiency; spending a lot of compute or external resources on a bad plan would be quite costly. Having implemented it for efficiency, you might as well use it for safety. This is just restating stuff I've said elsewhere, but I'm trying to refine the model, and work through how well it might work if you couldn't apply any external reasoning oversight, and little to no interpretability. It's definitely bad for the odds of success, but not necessarily crippling. I think. This needs more thought. I'm working on a post on System 2 alignment, as sketched out briefly (and probably incomprehensibly) above.

I do think that many of the safety advantages of LLMs come from their understanding of human intentions (and therefore implied values).

Did you mean something different than "AIs understand our intentions" (e.g. maybe you meant that humans can understand the AI's intentions?).

I think future more powerful AIs will surely be strictly better at understanding what humans intend.

The first speculated on why you’re still single. We failed to settle the issue. A lot of you were indeed still single. So the debate continues.

The second gave more potential reasons, starting with the suspicion that you are not even trying, and also many ways you are likely trying wrong.

The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over again expecting different results. Another definition of insanity is dating in 2024. Can’t quit now.

You’re Single Because Dating Apps Keep Getting Worse

A guide to taking the perfect dating app photo. This area of your life is important, so if you intend to take dating apps seriously then you should take photo optimization seriously, and of course you can then also use the photos for other things.

I love the...

Jiao Bu10

I am perfectly happy that the patriarchal roles are no longer shackling women.  I would not like to roll back time, personally, on these matters.  I hope my question doesn't come across this way -- it is just that I am confused about expectations.

Causal or association? Totally did not know this. Is this true? Is this causal? I mean, maybe being yourself and open works for people who happen to already be relationship-compatible. People who are not would be worse off by trying to be themselves. I think I have been burned in the past a lot by that kind of advice, although my experience is too much of an anecdote to infer an average.
As I have said elsewhere: Dating apps are broken. Maybe it's better dating apps die soon.  On the supplier side: Misaligned incentives (keep users on the platform) and opaque algorithms lead to bad matches.  On the demand side: Misaligned incentives (first impressions, low cost to exit) and no plausible deniability lead to predators being favored. Real dating happens when you can observe many potential mates and there is a path to getting closer. Traditionally that was schools, clubs, church, work. Now, not so much. Let's build something that fosters what was lost, now double down on a failed principle - 1-to-1 matching.  
Are you libertarian about this specifically? Do you think it's better if people also have the choice of dating apps? Or would you ban them if given the choice?

This is an entry in the 'Dungeons & Data Science' series, a set of puzzles where players are given a dataset to analyze and an objective to pursue using information from that dataset. 

STORY (skippable)

You have the excellent fortune to live under the governance of The People's Glorious Free Democratic Republic of Earth, giving you a Glorious life of Freedom and Democracy.

Sadly, your cherished values of Democracy and Freedom are under attack by...THE ALIEN MENACE!

The typical reaction of an Alien Menace to hearing about Freedom and Democracy.  (Generated using OpenArt SDXL).

Faced with the desperate need to defend Freedom and Democracy from The Alien Menace, The People's Glorious Free Democratic Republic of Earth has been forced to redirect most of its resources into the Glorious Free People's Democratic War...

I misremembered the May 6 date as May 9 but luckily other people have been asking for more time so it seems I might not be late.

The average number of soldiers the Army sends looks linear in the number of aliens. A linear regression gives the coefficients: 0.40 soldiers by default + 0.66 per Abomination + 0.32 per Crawler + 0.16 per Scarab + 0.81 per Tyrant + 0.49 per Venompede. From here, the log-odds of victory looks like a linear function of the difference between the actual number of soldiers and the expected number of soldiers.

Based on no evidence at a

... (read more)

TL;DR This research presents a novel method for exploring LLM embedding space using the Major Arcana of the tarot as archetypal anchors. The approach generates "archetype-based directions" in GPT-J's embedding space, along which words and concepts "mutate" in meaning, revealing intricate networks of association. These semantic mutation pathways provide insight into the model's learned ontologies and suggest a framework for controlled navigation of embedding space. The work sheds some light on how LLMs represent concepts and how their knowledge structures align (or don't) with human understanding.  


Despite its questionable association with oracular practices, the Major Arcana (22 non-suited, non-numbered cards) from the traditional tarot present us with a widely documented selection of well-worn, diverse and arguably comprehensive cultural archetypes to experiment with in the context of LLMs....

While the use of tarot archetypes is... questionable... it does point at an angle to exploring embedding space which is that it is a fundamentally semiotic space, its going in many respects to be structured by the texts that fed it, and human text is richly symbolic. 

That said, theres a preexisting set of ideas around this that might be more productive, and that is structuralism, particularly the works of Levi Strauss, Roland Barthes, Lacan, and more distantly Foucault and Derrida. 

Levi Strauss's anthropology in particular is interesting ,because... (read more)

In terms of factorizing or fingerprinting, 20 Tarot concepts seems like a lot; it's exhausting even just to skim it. Why do you think you need so many and that they aren't just mostly many fewer factors like Big Five or dirty uninterpretable mixes? Like the 500 closest tokens generally look pretty random to me for each one.
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I'm launching AI Lab Watch. I collected actions for frontier AI labs to improve AI safety, then evaluated some frontier labs accordingly.

It's a collection of information on what labs should do and what labs are doing. It also has some adjacent resources, including a list of other safety-ish scorecard-ish stuff.

(It's much better on desktop than mobile — don't read it on mobile.)

It's in beta—leave feedback here or comment or DM me—but I basically endorse the content and you're welcome to share and discuss it publicly.

It's unincorporated, unfunded, not affiliated with any orgs/people, and is just me.

Some clarifications and disclaimers.

How you can help:

  • Give feedback on how this project is helpful or how it could be different to be much more helpful
  • Tell me what's wrong/missing; point me to sources

Two noncentral pages I like on the site:

This is the tenth post in my series on Anthropics. The previous one is Beauty and the Bets.


In my previous posts I've been talking about the actual object-level disagreement between halfers and thirders - which of the answers formally is correct and which is not. I've shown that there is one correct model for the Sleeping Beauty problem, that describes it instead of something else, successfully passes the statistical test, has sound mathematical properties and deals with every betting scheme.

But before we can conclude that the issue is fully resolved, there is still a notable semantic disagreement left, as well as several interesting questions. If the thirder answer isn't the correct "probability", then what is it? What are the properties of this entity? And why are people...


No, introducing the concept of "indexical sample space" does not capture the thirder position, nor language. You do not need to introduce a new type of space, with new definitions and axioms. The notion of credence (as defined in the Sleeping Beauty problem) already uses standard mathematical probability space definitions and axioms.

Produced while being an affiliate at PIBBSS[1]. The work was done initially with funding from a Lightspeed Grant, and then continued while at PIBBSS. Work done in collaboration with @Paul Riechers, @Lucas Teixeira, @Alexander Gietelink Oldenziel, and Sarah Marzen. Paul was a MATS scholar during some portion of this work. Thanks to Paul, Lucas, Alexander, Sarah, and @Guillaume Corlouer for suggestions on this writeup.


What computational structure are we building into LLMs when we train them on next-token prediction? In this post we present evidence that this structure is given by the meta-dynamics of belief updating over hidden states of the data-generating process. We'll explain exactly what this means in the post. We are excited by these results because

  • We have a formalism that relates training data to internal

My earlier comment on meta-learning and Bayesian RL/inference for background:

The main question I have been thinking about is what is a state for language and how that can be useful if so discovered in this way?

The way I would put it is that 'state' is misleading you here. It makes you think that it must be some sort of little Turing machine or clockwork, where it has a 'state', like the current state of the Turing machine tape or the rotations o... (read more)

LessOnline & Manifest Summer Camp

June 3rd to June 7th

Between LessOnline and Manifest, stay for a week of experimental events, chill coworking, and cozy late night conversations.

Prices raise $100 on May 13th